Kim Jesteśmy

Kim jesteśmy

Nasi ludzie mają moc przekształcania i odkrywania na nowo naszej branży

Jak wygląda Colep Packaging?

Jesteśmy organizacją integracyjną, charakteryzującą się wyraźnie różnorodnością.
Przez lata rozwijaliśmy się w kilku lokalizacjach, tworząc wielokulturowe środowisko.

Dobre praktyki sprzyjające włączeniu społecznemu i różnorodności

Średni wiek 43 lata

Ponad 20 narodowości

Przedział stażu 16 lat

Kariera i mobilność wewnętrzna

Szkolenie i rozwój

Praca zespołowa i współpraca

Polityka pracy zdalnej

Co mówią o nas nasi pracownicy?

"Working at Colep Packaging means representing a multinational company of excellence, with a challenging and multidisciplinary work environment."

Hugo Magalhães

"Being able at this stage to contribute to this new future for all of us in the search for the best product solutions that promote the sustainability of tomorrow is the challenge to which I can only say YES to this, my 2nd home."

Mário Vaz

"Working at Colep Packaging gave me not only the opportunity to develop myself, but also to feel part of a team. The work dynamics and the experience acquired allowed me to be more self-confident and an accomplished person."

Marcin Łągiewka

"In Colep Packaging anyone will find the challenge to bounder their limits. Hard job and responsibility always bring opportunities to growth."

Miguel Moreno

"Working at Colep Packaging is a challenge. We dedicate our daily lives giving our best, facing and overcoming challenges, never forgeting our VALUES." "Sometimes we feel we are just a drop of water in the sea, but the sea would be smaller if it lacked a drop."

Angelina Henriques

"Colep Packaging is a company that believe in young people, encourages development and helps us achieving company's goals."

Katarzyna Balsam

"All the work is worthy, but when we like what we do, it's even easier. At Colep Packaging I feel good. It's a company where I have been growing personally and professionally over 16 years. I pretend to keep counting many more years!"

Vera Azevedo

"Colep Packaging has been providing me several learning and growth opportunities. We are constantly developing ourselves as every day is a new challenge."

Nuno Tavares

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